Friday, April 17, 2009

soo please tell me what the point of a SUPER expensive limo is. the group im in wants to pay 102 bucks a person for the limo. THERES LIKE 14 OF US! its like 1500ish. my date was like well you gotta pick if you wanna do it or not. I DONT! im angry its so dumb. i had a wonderful piece of pizza today for lunch. im about to practice some bassoon. i dont know what else to write about. i know its sad but im a lil speechless. so im gonna go practice and try to get that cat to let go of my tounge.

come back soon. and for my creeper......i like when you creep me! (april) not to be meant in a weird way.


  1. I'm glad you like it...I wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon :) teehee.

  2. Yeah- limo are whackity whack. We didn't even have one for my wedding!!
