Friday, February 27, 2009


so i used to have this pair of jeans that i adored. they were light blue and i ended up tearing them up horribly. they had holes in the knees the thighs. I LOVED THEM! they were my play jeans, and i even dressed them up a couple times. so this is the point our happy story turns to a tear jerker. my father decided these jeans were innapropriate. it broke my heart we hung out all summer to fall...(2008). so i started to realize that they we as tattern and torn as he said. so i was cleaning my room one day. and i decided it would be best for our relationship if we broke things of. i threw those jeans in the trash like a rotten apple. it didnt effect me till now. all i have is the memory of those sweet wonderful jeans. RIP. if you look up at my header you will see the jeans before they were the mess they became.

thank you for visiting my mind sweet mind!


  1. but i remember those jeans. i loved those jeans.
    i am sorry for your lose. :/

  2. Clothes sometimes can be as comfortable as a good friend and just as hard to lose. Hopefully you will find a new pair that you love soon.

  3. oh jeans like that are so hard to part with. I still havent parted with mine. I wear them around the farm and running errands (never on base hubs would die) but the hardest part of each pregnancy has been packing them up and hoping they fit again.

    heres hoping you find another comfy pair over time. And this time, just put them away dont throw them away!
